Massage Parlor

świeca do masażu z olejem karotenowym


Natural White Tree Massage Parlour

A well trained and certified masseur invites Ladies for massage sessions. All the massages performed with best quality, natural massaging oils. Natural White Tree massaging oils are 100% natural with strong firming and anti-cellulite effect containing apple, coffee and ginseng extracts.
Available oils: carotene oil, natural body oil with 24k gold flakes – effect: both, slow down the skin ageing processes, regenerate and rejuvenate your skin, stimulate skin regeneration, moisturize it and make it silky smooth and sensuous, have strong anti-cellulite effect.
We recommend massage sessions with natural massage candles. Each candle melts into hot butter which is slowly and gradually massaged onto your skin giving the unspeakable pleasure especially on cold, autumn or winter days.
We offer all types of massage: classical, relaxation, anti-cellulite, sports, healing, medical and cosmetic.
Each type of massage offers elimination of muscle tenseness caused by fatigue and stress.
Prices start from 70zł per 60 minutes.